Ahtahkakoop Cree Nation, SK
The RCMP identified a need for a modular detachment for a site within the Ahtahkakoop First Nation. The intent was that the detachment could be moved to another site in future should that be required.
The detachment consists of 18 modules, of varying sizes, creating a detachment of approximately 1,100 s.m. The provost area, including sally port, detention area and support spaces account for a significant portion of the total area. The remaining area is attributed to public areas, victim services area, administrative area, member fitness, change rooms and storage, other secure areas, and service rooms. The project included foundation design, siting of the units, site servicing, outbuilding for vehicular storage, landscaping and design of stairs and pedestrian and vehicular ramps to meet barrier free and sally port access. Units were constructed in a climate controlled factory and delivered to the site by truck and lifted into place by crane. Colored metal siding, in colors significant to the client (red, blue and gold) was utilized in blocks to provide the detachment with a distinct and readily recognizable identity.