Kipling School
Consolidation, Renovation & Expansion
Kipling, SK
Designing a school for the 21st Century involves rethinking the stereotypical school. Features such as operable partitions, smaller break-out spaces, and multi-functional spaces allow schools to quickly adapt to today’s ever changing needs.
SEPW worked with the Prairie Valley School Division to assess the current school facilities in Kipling, Saskatchewan, and to plan for the future. The resultant project proposed a renovation and expansion to the existing school, to modernize the facility and to consolidate the two current schools into one K-12 facility. The project was split into two phases for logistics and capital funding.
Phase 1 of the project involved the consolidation of the two schools in an addition and through a renovation of the elementary wing.
Phase 2 of the project included a renovation of the resource centre and adjacent classrooms and an addition incorporating a new multi-purpose room, digital media lab, administration office, and commercial kitchen.
Throughout the design process SEPW facilitated a number of design workshops and presentations with the school division, teachers, students, and community members.