About Us - History -Profile
SEPW Architecture Inc. is an award-winning architectural firm committed to providing exceptional client service. We are proud of our Saskatchewan-based ownership and of our on-going dedication to enhancing the quality of architecture in this province since our inception in 1979.
SEPW Architecture Inc. (SEPW) is a direct derivation of Saunders Architect Ltd., which commenced practice in Regina, Saskatchewan in 1979. We have evolved into a firm of professional architects, designers and technologists who share a commitment to pushing the boundaries of architecture within the constraints of budgets and functional limitations.
With offices in Regina and Saskatoon, the combined experience of the firm permits the provision of complete architectural services for a broad range of award-winning architecturally related work.
We have a proven ability to successfully deliver challenging projects, small and large. Our services are known by many for our attention to client requests, for our ability to maintain cost effectiveness, for our skill at project management, and for our ability to marry sensitive, award-winning designs with all of the above. A significant percentage of our portfolio of work is from public sector and institutions at various levels of government. There is a special talent and knowledge that comes from this public sector experience that is reflected in the quality of project communications and user group interaction. We also enjoy discussing how our clients’ projects can be designed more sustainably, and to assist with this discussion we have three LEED® Accredited Professionals on staff.
The principals of SEPW are currently licensed to practice in the province of Saskatchewan. The principals of this incorporated firm are as follows:
- Dylan Elliott, BSC. Hons., B.E.D., M.Arch., SAA, MRAIC, LEED AP
- Justin Wotherspoon, AET, BES, M.Arch., SAA, MRAIC
- Raymond Plosker, BEDS, B.Arch., SAA, MRAIC, LEED® AP
Our clients have included:
• City of Regina
• City of Saskatoon
• Defence Construction (1951) Ltd.
• Ministry of Central Services
• Private corporations and property developers
• Public Works and Government Services Canada
• Regina Airport Authority
• Regina Public Schools
• Royal Canadian Mounted Police
• Saskatchewan Housing Corporation
• Saskatchewan Power Corporation
• Saskatchewan Transportation Company
• Saskatoon Health Region
• Saskatoon Public Schools
• University of Regina
• University of Saskatchewan
• University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union